Franz Aicher receives Karl Max von Bauernfeind Medal

President Wolfgang A. Herrmann honors the Raitenhaslach priest's services to the former Cistercian abbey

TUM-President Wolfgang A. Herrmann gives the Karl Max von Bauernfeind Medal to Reverend Franz Aicher
Reverend Franz Aicher (right) happily accepted the Karl Max von Bauernfeind Medal from President Wolfgang A. Herrmann. (Picture: Anton Mack)

This past Saturday, October 27, 2018 Reverend Franz Aicher received the TUM Karl Max von Bauernfeind Medal during the Burghausen Chemistry Award event. With this medal, TUM honors individuals and groups who have rendered great personal service to the university. Seldom if ever it is given to persons outside TUM, e.g. like local heritage expert Wolfgang Hopfgartner in 2016, also from Raitenhaslach. 

TUM-President Wolfgang A. Herrmann honored Reverend Aicher's "exceptional, lasting services to the maintenance of an important monastery complex in Bavaria for future generations". Above all, his invaluable "support in developing the TUM Science & Study Center Raitenhaslach" by his years of experience in preserving historical monuments finds high esteem with the award. Reverend Aicher has made special effort for the historic structures of the former Cistercian monastery of Raitenhaslach for almost 40 years.


Information on the Karl Max von Bauernfeind Medal